Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Click to see an enlarged picture   Christopher Columbus first came to the new world in 1492. Christopher Columbus    traveled  from Europe to Asia to buy good like silk and spices.These things were very valuable, so Europeans would travel great distances to get them. People went Europe to Asia by land, and the trip was long and difficult.Christoper Columbus thought there was another way to get to Asia. He believed that the earth was round, like a ball. For this reason, he thought that he could cross  the Atlantic Ocean to get to Asia .He asked the queen of Spain for help .She gave him three ships: the Nina, the Pan ta,and the Santa Maria. She also gave Columbus men to sail in the ship with him .Many people thought that Columbus was crazy. They thought the earth was flat, and they said that his ship would fall off the end of the earth. They were wrong of course, and Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean .When Columbus reached land, he thought that he was in India, on the continent of Asia .For this reason, he called the people that he new “Indians”Later,people realized that Columbus had  come to a completely new land, and they called this land  the new World. Today the New World is called North America and South America   


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Garlic is name a vegetable,it is and herb.It is used in recipes around the world.Garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years,and garlic is believed to war off evil spirits.Folklore stories tell that garlic repelled vampires .Protected against the Evil eye.the only negative think you can say about garlic is here is an interesting video about garlic festival in California.

   Garlic  history:
the word garlic comes from old English garlic meaning "spear leek".6000 years ago garlic was one of the most common product in the Asia,Africa ,and Europe.Garlic was highly  valuable and it was even used as currency.
Medicinal value
Garlic has been hailed for it's medicinal value .It was used to treat a wide variety of aches .Current research
suggest it help lowering cholesterol.provides protection against heart disease,reduces cardiovascular diseases
helps to relieve colds and flu symptoms and even prevents Cancer.Garlic is a powerful,natural antibiotic and it doesn't kill off our healthy bacteria like drug antibiotics.Garlic to be effective as a healing agent and general antibiotic . 

Used for centuries as both a food and medicine, garlic offers a variety of  benefits to people of all ages and lifestyles. The rhizome, or bulb, of this pungent-smelling plant contains potent medicinal compounds that may help to treat or prevent several common ailments. Although garlic's benefits do not apply exclusively to men, its health-boosting effects are even more important to males than to females. Consult your health care provider before taking nutritional eating unusually large amounts of garlic.

Garlic for Health
Today, we know garlic is an excellent herb for creating and maintaining overall health, but it also has many lesser known, but powerful qualities. For example, many people don't know that it's a naturally powerful antibiotic. This natural antibiotic is effective against toxic bacteria, viruses, and fungus. Available in pills, capsules, liquid and actual raw cloves, garlic is one of the most popular healthy herbs around today.
Garlic helps platelet stickiness or aggregation to help reduce blood coagulation, and promote heart health.
The antioxidant properties of garlic help scavenge harmful free radicals, which can damage LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood stream.
Garlic also promotes increased bile production to help reduce levels of fat in the liver. Garlic pills also help ward off coughs and colds.

How to grow garlic
Garlic root forms a bulb,comprising several segments.Call clover,garlic is grown from the individual cloves.Each cloves will produce one plant with a single bulb,which may in turn contain up to twenty clove
Garlic there are have different kinds of Regular Garlic and Elephant Garlic -much larger than regular garlic
Garlic food

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The story of Helen Keller.


This is the story of Helen Keller who became handicapes.she was bind and deaf .Helen Keller was born June 27,1880 in a small town  in northern Alabama.Her father ,Arthur Keller,was a captain in the army of  the south.Her mother was his second wife .She was much younger than  her husband .Helen Keller was their first child.When she was a one and  a half year old ,Helen was like any other child ,She was very active .She began walking and talking,early than 19 month old .Helen became very sick. It was a strange sickness that made her completely blind and deaf.       
As Helen grew problem she  couldn't hear anything ,but the Doctor couldn't do anything for her .Her world  was filled with silence and darkness.When Helen was six (6), a teacher from the Perking Institution for the Blind and Deaf arrived in Boston.Her name was Anne Sullivan .Anne Sullivan began  teaching Helen that everything had a name .Then Anne taught Helen to read by the Braille system .Helen had to learn how to use her hands and fingers to speak  f ,but she was not  ready  yet to learn.For the next tree years,Helen learned and  more and more words All day miss Sullivan kep Touching Helen's hand and spelling words that gave Helen a language.She learned many languages.
Latin,Greek,French,and German.Helen was able to learn many things .Helen traveled a lot with family or alone with miss Sullivan in 1888.They visited the Institution where Miss Sullivan had learned to teach .Helen stared to communicat with her hands.She  learned to speak like other people did.She  never forgot those days.Later in life she wrote a book''No deaf child''
Helen was a remarkable person because .She was blind and deaf ,but she could read and communicated with other people  .around her, to build a community for deaf and blind people.